Thank you for your interest in a Yoga with Horses: Grounding Workshop!
Join us this fall for a yoga workshop in the presence of the grounding energies of the horse. We’ll be
incorporating the pranic (energy) practices of pranayama (breathing practices), mudra and asana alongside these beings that teach us how to align with the rhythm of life.
We will have space to ground to the energies of the earth…the sights and sounds of nature…and most
importantly, grounded to the self within.
Saturday, September 24th
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
To Register: https:/eaglesrisingllc.weebly.com/events.html
Eagles Rising LLC
13650 Hwy 40
Keystone, SD 57751
A few additional details before you attend:
HORSES AND YOGA This will be yoga alongside horses, not on horseback. No horseback riding experience will be needed!
RECOMMENDED ATTIRE As this will be practiced in nature amongst horses, please wear closed toe shoes (such as tennis shoes, hiking boots, etc.). Yoga is a movement-based practice. Please dress in comfortable clothing that will help facilitate movement.
WHAT SHOULD I BRING? Please bring water. A yoga mat is not required since we will be in shoes.
WEATHER Please plan accordingly for fall weather. Recommend dressing in layers along with sunblock, mosquito repellent, etc. In the event of inclement weather, a cancellation notice will be sent via
email for a rescheduled date.
MOBILITY If there are special circumstances regarding mobility & you would like to
know if this workshop is accessible to you, please contact Tesha at 605-645-
1603 or [email protected]
13650 Hwy 40
Keystone, SD 57751
This location may be mapped through GPS or Google Maps.

International Women’s Day – A Day of Intentional Connection
Wonderful evening panned to celebrate and value divine feminine energy.
Tuesday, March 8th from 4-6 PM with a social hour from 6-7 PM
Please go to www.qicommunity.weebly.com for further details!

A Time for Women’s Spiritual, Emotional, Mental & Physical Health
Harnessing Your Inner Shakti Yoga Class at 9:35
This yoga class will call on our inner Shakti, the energy of the divine feminine. We’ll manifest our inner power through yoga asana: the strength of the mother, the warrior, the protector. Bring a yoga mat to harness this wisdom from within.
Followed by a Bowl Meditation by Danielle Dekker.
Come join us November 13th. Doors open at 9:00 AM
Additional workshops, presentations and vendors throughout the day.
Admission $5.00
On Common Ground
610 St. Francis Street
Rapid City, SD

Thank you for your interest in A Yoga, Equine & Energy Experience!
Join us on the morning prior to the summer solstice for an energetic yoga exploration in the presence of the grounding energies of the horse. We’ll be incorporating the pranic (energy) practices of pranayama (breathing practices), mudra, and Ayurvedic marma points alongside these beings that teach us how to align with the rhythm of life.
We will have space to spread out while staying connected…connected to the energies of the earth…the sights and sounds of nature…and most importantly, connected to the self within.
Saturday, June 19th
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
To Register: www.bit.ly/eagles-rising
Eagles Rising LLC
13650 Hwy 40
Keystone, SD 57751
A few additional details before you attend:
This will be yoga alongside horses, not on horseback. No horseback riding experience will be needed!
As this will be practiced in nature amongst horses, please wear closed toe shoes (such as tennis shoes, hiking boots, etc.).
Yoga is a movement-based practice. Please dress in comfortable clothing that will help facilitate movement.
Please bring a yoga mat & water.
A yoga mat is not required since we will be in shoes, however it will provide cushioning and a non-slip surface for the hands.
If you do not have a yoga mat however prefer to use one, a limited number are available for use. Please email [email protected] prior to attending to reserve a mat.
Please plan accordingly for sunny skies! Recommend dressing in layers along with sunblock, mosquito repellent, etc.
In the event of inclement weather, a cancellation notice will be sent via email for a rescheduled date.
If there are special circumstances regarding mobility & you would like to know if this workshop is accessible to you, please contact Tesha at 605-645-1603 or [email protected]
As a yoga workshop, health and wellness are important to us.
We will have space to spread out (minimum of 6 feet) while staying connected.
Eagles Rising LLC | 13650 Hwy 40 | Keystone, SD 57751
This location may be mapped through GPS or Google Maps. This is about a 30-40 minute drive from Rapid City.
If coming from the direction of Rapid City, head south on Mount Rushmore Road, or Highway 16, in the direction of Mount Rushmore.
Using the left lane, exit at Rockerville and turn left on South Rockerville Road.
Drive for 5.7 miles until you reach Highway 40. Turn left onto Highway 40. Drive for 4 miles; you will pass Rush Mountain Adventure Park.
Eagles Rising will be on hidden drive on the left.
Please feel free to reach out to Tesha at [email protected] or 605-645-1603.